Mutli Dwelling Wi-fi

Combined Networks on site-wide wi-fi solution helps you deliver uninterrupted, hyperfast connectivity for your residents, wherever they roam. Create a smarter, hyper-connected community with access points covering your entire development. Gain complete control over your connection with dedicated operator, resident and guest portals, and find the perfect package for your needs with our range of flexible commercial models.

Discover what makes our solution seamless for everyone, from developers to residents. Our site-wide wi-fi is powered by a series of Access Points, positioned throughout your development. Our experienced design team will work with you throughout the design process to ensure every inch of your site is covered by the network.

As residents roam around your development, they’re connected to their own individual network (or VLAN), which will continuously search for and connect to the nearest Access Point to provide the strongest signal. This process is automatic, creating a seamless experience in which a resident can move throughout the development without experiencing a disruption in their connection.

Connectivity matters, even when you’re away from home. Our serviced apartment offering provides your guests with hyperfast broadband speeds and access to 24/7 customer service. A poor connection can have a massive impact on retention. With us, it’s gold-standard all the way. 33% of leisure travellers would not return to an apartment or hotel that offered inadequate internet access. This number rises to 67% for business guests.